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CDN Teknolojimiz

Category: General

Comnet Global IP Backbone provides direct access to end-users. Content from CDN companies is delivered over Turkey's and the world's largest IP backbone, minimizing latency. Comnet's infrastructure serves as the intersection point for access to the EMEA region, the Far East, and the European continent, in addition to Turkey. Furthermore, it delivers its own fiber internet users to CDNs and social media organizations most directly. The DECIX Internet Exchange ensures uninterrupted and low-latency access to end-users through other operators. Comnet's infrastructure enables seamless connectivity to online live streaming services and allows content to connect directly from anywhere with data center independence. A fully redundant ring is used by establishing direct POPs in 6 Tier 3 data centers across Turkey, particularly in Istanbul. Full Route and Intelligent Routing automatically determine the best global routes.